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St Clement's Church of England Primary School

St Clement's Church of England Primary School


Religious Education

RE is taught in dynamic and creative ways at St Clement’s Primary School, children are given opportunities to learn through discussion, art, drama and by using real life artefacts, all of which enhance their learning. The provision of Religious Education covers a wide range of world faiths allowing pupils to explore their own beliefs through discovery of other cultures.

We follow guidelines from Kent Agreed Syllabus, including Understanding Christianity, as recommended by the Canterbury Diocese for both our RE and Collective Worship.

Pupils enjoy RE lessons in which they are encouraged to engage with a series of mini questions leading up to answering a big question which reflects the learning for the term. This learning journey is documented in the pupils’ books and on our working walls. Pupils are taught to appraise different beliefs, share their views and form reasoned responses for themselves. In addition, learning about religion is always applied to real life so that our children can learn from it and understand what it means to be a citizen if multicultural Britain.

We promote the children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development through RE lessons and across the broad curriculum St Clement’s offers. 

Kent Agreed Syllabus