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St Clement's Church of England Primary School

St Clement's Church of England Primary School


Transfer to Secondary School

When your child approaches their final year of Primary School, you will need to start thinking about which secondary school they will go to.


Finding a secondary school

A good place to start finding out about getting your child into secondary school is to visit the KCC Website - Admission To Secondary Schools In Kent.

The website is updated annually by the Local Authority and tells you everything you need to know about the admissions process together with details of Kent secondary schools and their dates and times of open sessions.

We are always happy to support parents and carers in this process when their child reaches this stage and to respond to questions about the procedure. We will schedule meetings within school and inform you of these nearer to the time. 


Secondary Transfer

In Year 6, Transition to Secondary School is supported by facilitating additional visits, providing access to Transition Days and events organised by the Secondary schools.

Information is shared from the SENDco to Secondary School SENCOs and Pastoral staff to support the smooth transition of our pupils to their new schools.

Year 7 staff from the Secondary schools visit all Primary schools to meet with the pupils who will be coming to their school and to speak with the class teachers. 

All records are passed from the Primary to the Secondary school.